ShipYear BuiltYear RefurbishedTonnagePassengers
Star of the Seas2024250,800 tons7,514
Icon of the Seas2024250,800 tons7,514
Utopia of the Seas2022236,860 tons5,668
Wonder of the Seas2022236,857 tons7,084
Odyssey of the Seas2020168,666 tons5,510
Spectrum of the Seas2019168,666 tons5,622
Symphony of the Seas2018230,000 tons6,680
Ovation of the Seas2016167,800 tons4,905
Harmony of the Seas2016226,000 tons6,687
Anthem of the Seas2015167,800 tons4,905
Quantum of the Seas2014167,800 tons4,905
Explorer of the Seas20002023138,000 tons4,290
Freedom of the Seas20062020157,271 tons4,635
Oasis of the Seas20092019226,000 tons6,771
Navigator of the Seas20022019140,000 tons3,968
Voyager of the Seas19992019138,000 tons4,000
Independence of the Seas20082018160,000 tons4,560
Mariner of the Seas20032018138,000 tons4,000
Brilliance of the Seas2002201890,090 tons2,543
Adventure of the Seas20012018137,276 tons3,807
Vision of the Seas1998201878,500 tons2,514
Serenade of the Seas2003201790,090 tons2,476
Enchantment of the Seas1997201781,000 tons2,730
Grandeur of the Seas1996201774,000 tons2,440
Liberty of the Seas20072016160,000 tons4,960
Jewel of the Seas2004201690,090 tons2,702
Radiance of the Seas2001201690,090 tons2,466
Rhapsody of the Seas1997201678,500 tons2,416
Allure of the Seas20102015225,282 tons6,780